P.A.C.E. is excited to invite you and your child to participate in MATH SUPERSTARS!!! This program was designed by an educational consortium as an extra math challenge for self-motivated students.  This FREE extracurricular activity is funded entirely by P.A.C.E. and is independent of the classroom curriculum.  It presents an opportunity for your family to get involved with math at the home level. There will be no official signups this year.  Feel free to download the materials below to work with your child on throughout the year.  Enjoy!



math Super stars

The Math Superstars program has 10 weeks of worksheets for Kindergarten and 20 weeks for Grades 1-6 available to do over the course of the year starting now.   Students are asked to complete one worksheet per week containing an average of 8-10 problems.  The problem sets, while often challenging, ask students to stretch their math skills to solve practical problems and develop critical thinking.  It is important to remind your child that he/she is not expected to know the answers to or be able to complete every problem.  Feel free to move up or down a grade depending on your child.  Parents may use the answers (included in the grade level packet at end) to check accuracy and discuss problem-solving strategies. This is a P.A.C.E. program so please do not direct questions to the teachers.  Thank you for encouraging your child to embark on this mathematical adventure.  We hope you find the program beneficial, challenging, and most importantly, FUN.  



1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

5th grade

6th grade (part 1)

6th grade (part 2)